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Friday, January 18, 2008

I Know You

One of those moments that stick’s with you happened to me when I was in High School. It was my first year in a large High School with kids bused in from many communities, lots of familiar faces and lots of new faces. For all of us in Grade 10 it was a big change to move into the Big school in town. Sometime in the first week a girl I didn’t recognize walked up to me. She said “I know you”. I looked and wondered who she was and she didn’t seem at all surprised that I didn’t recognize her. In fact she seemed totally prepared for that.

After a moments pause she reached into her pocket and handed me a wallet sized copy of my Grade one school picture. As I looked at the picture and at her I still didn’t know who she was. She explained, “I came to your school for just a short time when I was in grade one, you were so kind to me and made me feel so welcome that I have never forgotten. When I saw you here I remembered and brought the picture so you would know how much it meant to me that you gave it to me and made me feel welcome in a strange new place. Thank you”.

I do not recall anymore of that conversation. I just know that it has reminded me over and over again throughout my life in many different circumstances that even though you may never know it the kindness you have shown another today really does matter.

Name Withheld

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