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Friday, August 3, 2007

Kids are Kind Too!

As the school year came to an end, I felt compelled to share a story about a very, very proud moment I recently experienced.

As a parent of an “only” child with a husband working away a lot of the time I am sometimes challenged with trying to raise a happy, confident, kind and caring lil’ individual. With the pull of many responsibilities of day to day life, we try not to spoil this “only”, a difficult task especially when she pops those big baby blues at us!

Awhile ago, she began telling me a story about an incident that happened at school a few weeks earlier. I am always amused at how things just come up out of the blue long after they have happened. “Mommy,” she began, “ a Duty (a teacher assigned to recess duty) told me I was very kind, because when I was playing with Suzy and Katy came over to play with us, Suzy told her she couldn’t play with us! I told Suzy, “Yes, Katy can play with us!” Suzy said, “No she can’t this is a three person game,” …and I said, “So, come on Katy you can play with us and she did!”

Now, I know Suzy is a whole year older than my daughter and considered one of the “cool” kids by the others and of course especially by herself! Katy, however, has taken some time to adjust can be a little mean at times. It may be difficult for her being that she is the only one that wears glasses not to mention that she towers over all of the other kids in her class. I think it has be a struggle to find her way and fit in with her peers.

I can’t express my feeling of absolute joy and pride that our precious “only” child actually “got it”! That she was confident enough in herself to stand-up to an older girl whom she greatly admired to defend another child. That this sweet, at times spoiled, little girl understands the importance of being a friend and recognizes that everyone has feelings and deserves to be treated with kindness!

I gave her a big hug and said, “I am sooooo proud of you! How did that make you feel?” She excitedly told me that not only did the Duty compliment her by telling her, “That was very kind of you.”, but the Duty then told her teacher who complimented her as well. “I felt proud and happy mom!” she smiled at me.

At that moment I can tell you not only did I well up with a few tears of pride, but the feeling of humbleness that I experienced at that moment is something I will never forget! For my daughter to experience the feeling that comes from “giving from the heart” is truly an invaluable life lesson. At that moment I wasn’t there to guide her, at that moment she made a choice, on her own, even at the cost of facing adversity! Truly my proudest moment yet!

One thing I know for sure, I will have many more such moments to come and am so very blessed to have such a wonderful, giving little spirit in my life.

(Names have been changed to protect the innocent)


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