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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Making a Difference

Through my travel with the group called Katimavik I have learned an awful lot and had a lot of experiences that I would have never had if I had not joined the group.

It’s amazing how much people actually appreciate the little bit of help that you can do for them, people may not always show you gratitude or anything but deep down it means an awful lot to them. A recent experience I had on my travels occurred while I was working at the food bank in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

I was handing out food to the needy not really realizing that what I was doing was helping people live there lives just a bit better than they normally would be with out my help. Then one day I was handing food out and I came across an elderly blind man who was by himself, realizing this I offered my assistance in helping him pack his food and get it to the taxi waiting for him, never in my life have I ever seen someone so thankful in their life, the elderly gentleman broke down in tears and thanked me repeatedly and saying god bless me over and over, at that point I realized that with a bit of help people are forever thankful.

An Unforgettable Christmas

There was this family where the mother was a single young mother, for those of you who know what it’s like, it’s not easy to raise a child by yourself. Unfortunately there was very little income coming into the mothers hands at this time because of the fact that she was a single mother.

At Christmas they were very short on money, there was barely enough for the two of them to have food on the table let alone think about gifts and such, then something happened that surprised the mother, it was Christmas eve and she heard a knock on the door. She went to the door and there were about a dozen people from the same apartment building standing there baring many kinds of foods and gifts for her and her new born child.
The people in the apartment building had known about the financial income of this mother and her child they had all put together some money and had made them have a Christmas that the mother would never forget.

A Little Kindness can go a long way….

Recently I was listening to a CBC radio broadcast about cancer, listening to this broadcast sparked a memory from when I was in elementary school and junior high.

Back when I was my grade 6 year in a small town in Nova Scotia there was a young boy who had moved from Germany with his mother and sister. Unfortunately when they moved here about a month later the mother was diagnosed with cancer. For a long while the family kept it secret except from close friends and family, but eventually the mother wound up very sick and in a hospital.

Word had spread out about the mother being in the hospital, Most kids in the young boys class felt very bad for him and tried to comfort him about it. However the boy did not like to talk about it with anyone except his Close friends and family.

Then One day while I was in my 9th year his mother passed away and in my class we started a fund for him, people donated money and toys and gifts of all sorts for him, when he came back to school we presented him with it and a very large card with all of our signatures on it. Later that week we found out that him and his sister were going to have to go back to Germany to live with their father because they had no relatives in Canada to stay with, an elderly couple who lived not too far away from them decided they would foster them if it was ok with them and their father. The sister wanted to go back with her father but the boy stayed with the family they showed him much love and care as though he was always a part of their family.

Through the acts of kindness from friends and the family that took him in, he was able to finish high school with all the people that showed him much love and concern within the community.
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